Project Aims to Produce Resource-Saving Permanent Electric Motor

British technology company “GKN Automotive” is participating in a European research project to develop cost-effective and efficient permanent-magnet electric motors. The machines will have high power density and are intended for next-generation electric vehicles. The aim of the project is to implement a new design concept with innovative construction and material solutions for electric motors. Furthermore, the intention is to use fewer rare-earth materials and enable easier and better reuse. In addition, the goal is to reduce size and weight by optimizing the magnets located in the motor. These measures are intended to reduce the use of materials and production costs and make smaller power losses visible.

Focusing an 80% recycling rate

A long-term goal of the research project is to implement a recycling strategy for rare-earth materials to reduce the use of neodymium and dysprosium by up to 80% and to be able to recycle more than 80% of those rare-earth materials. The HEFT project is co-financed by the European Commission and led by the Spanish University of Mondragon. A total of eight partners from Europe are involved. As an industrial partner, GKN Automotive will manufacture and assemble the electric motor and ensure that the final design meets industrial requirements.

Reducing environmental impact by establishing a circular economy

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